
Disorderly Conduct

drunk and disorderly

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What is Drunk And Disorderly Conduct?

When some people have a bit too much to drink, they may behave out of character and cause a public disturbance such as unruly, obnoxious or profane conduct in a public place. But even if alcohol or drugs aren’t involved, disorderly conduct–disturbing the public’s peace–is a crime in Virginia. On the other hand, you don’t have to make a lot of noise or disrupt others to be charged with disorderly conduct. Being drunk in public is enough to be cited for both disorderly conduct and public intoxication.

Drunk and Disorderly Crimes in Virginia

When a person intended to cause public inconvenience, annoyance or alarm or recklessly created a risk, they commit the crime of disorderly conduct in the following conditions:

  • While on a street, highway, public buildings, bus, airplane, or automobile or other public place engages in conduct that may tend to incite acts of violence against those who the disruption is directed at.
  • While intoxicated disrupt a funeral, memorial service, school, literary society or religious place of worship and/or engages in conduct that has a direct tendency to incite acts of violence against those to whom the disruption is directed.
  • While intoxicated disrupts school operations or activities conducted or sponsored by a school and/or engages in conduct that has a direct tendency to incite acts of violence against those to whom the disruption is directed.

Penalties And Punishment For Disorderly Conduct in Virginia

Violation of Virginia’s disorderly conduct law § 18.2-415 is a Class 1 misdemeanor punishable by up to 12 months in jail and/or a fine of up to $2,500.

Penalties And Punishment For Public Intoxication in Virginia

Virginia code section 18.2-388 states that the punishment for public intoxication is a class 4 misdemeanor in Virginia, which is punishable by up to a $250 fine but is not a jailable offense.

Disorderly Conduct Defense Attorney in Manassas, Virginia

If you’ve been charged with disorderly conduct, it’s possible that you may be sentenced to up to 12 months in prison, but that’s unlikely unless you have a lengthy criminal history already. When it’s a first offense, you’ll probably be sentenced to probation and fines.

Although the punishments for disorderly conduct and public intoxication aren’t particularly extreme, hiring a criminal defense attorney to represent you is an intelligent decision. Whether you are incarcerated for any length of time or not, paying fines or even serving time will not be the end of it.

Accepting these misdemeanor charges may have adverse repercussions if you are ever charged with a crime in the future, or if you’ve already been convicted of another crime, your probation or parole may be revoked. Even a misdemeanor conviction may affect your ability to be gainfully employed, enroll in college, receive security clearances, destroy your reputation and impact immigration status.

Battle Disorderly Conduct or Public Intoxication Charges

If you’ve been charged with disorderly conduct and/or public intoxication, there are several defense strategies that may be available to you. As your skilled criminal defense attorneys, The Manassas Law Group will investigate what happened and submit evidence that contradicts the district attorney’s accusation that your behavior was caused by intoxication. To fight a disorderly conduct charge, we may be able to show that your behavior was protected under the First Amendment right to free speech. Or it may be possible to prove that you were falsely accused.

Judgment Free Representation For Clients Facing Disorderly Conduct And Public Intoxication Charges In Manassas, Prince William County, And Surrounding Areas

Whether it’s your first arrest or you already have a criminal record, the attorney team at The Manassas Law Group know things can sometimes get out of hand, and otherwise reasonable people make mistakes. As your attorneys, we’ll treat you respectfully as we build a defense against your charges.

For generations, The Manassas Law Group has provided skilled, effective representation for Virginians charged with every type of criminal matter. With our decades of experience, we’ll advocate for you throughout the process with the goal of settling your case in the least damaging way possible.   

The Manassas Law Group’s knowledgeable criminal defense attorneys will help you understand your rights and explain how we can defend against your alleged disorderly conduct and/or public intoxication charges.

Contact The Manassas Law Group Today For A Free, No Obligation Consultation

To begin the challenge of building a defense against your disorderly conduct and public intoxication charges, the experienced criminal defense attorney team at The Manassas Law Group will meet with you to discuss what happened and assess your representation needs. Call us today at 703.361.8246 or send a confidential message on our site.