Prince William County DUI

Your Defense Starts Here
Leading Prince William County DUI Lawyers
Have you or a loved one been arrested on DUI charges in Prince William County, Virginia? You deserve the best defense. Our skilled DUI defense lawyers will work directly with you to develop the best defense strategies for your particular case. Learn why we are the go-to firm in the area for DUI charges. Contact us today at (703) 361-8246 for your free consultation.
If you’re facing a possible DUI conviction, you need a Prince William County criminal defense attorney with experience handling even the toughest DUI cases. At the Manassas Law Group, our DUI lawyers have represented clients throughout Northern Virginia and surrounding areas facing all types of DUI charges. Our team of experienced attorneys will guide you through the stress, anxiety, and uncertainty of dealing with a DUI charge. We have a proven track record of success, and we will put all of our knowledge, skill, and experience to work defending your rights and securing the best possible outcome for your case.
To discuss your Prince William DUI case with one of our experienced DUI lawyers at the Manassas Law Group, call (703) 361-8246 to schedule a free consultation today.

Virginia DUI Laws
The DUI laws in Virginia are outlined in Virginia Code 18.2-266. According to this law, anyone driving or operating a motor vehicle with a breath or blood alcohol concentration of 0.08% or more can be arrested for a DUI. Since this Virginia law includes driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs, other violations include:
- Driving under the influence of drugs in an unsafe manner
- Having a blood concentration of
- 0.01 milligrams of PCP per liter.
- 0.1 milligrams of Ecstacy/MDMA
- 0.02 milligrams of cocaine per liter
- 0.1 milligrams of methamphetamine per liter
Virginia Code §18.2-266 considers a person to be driving under the influence if they are drunk or impaired enough that it affects their speech, disposition, manner, behavior, movements, or general appearance.
The state of Virginia also harshly punishes any driver who is under 21 and driving while intoxicated. According to Virginia Code Section 18.2-266.1, anyone operating a vehicle under 21 with a BAC level of 0.02% or more can be arrested. This offense is not considered a DUI but has similar consequences for those convicted. A driver found guilty of this offense can lose their driver’s license for one year and pay at least $500 in fines or complete 50 hours of community service. This criminal charge is often called a “Baby DUI” since the offender is under the legal drinking age.
If you or someone you love is charged with a DUI based on alcohol or drugs or a “Baby DUI” in Prince William County, contact the Manassas Law Group today at (703) 361-8246. During your free consultation, one of our DUI Defense Lawyers will learn about the details of your case, discuss case strategy with you, and give you an overview of what you can expect through the legal process.

Implied Consent Laws in Virginia
Virginia Law 18.2-268.2 states that any driver arrested for a suspected DUI must submit to a blood alcohol test. Under this law, drivers operating vehicles on Virginia public highways have given implied consent to having their blood alcohol levels tested.
Also known as the Implied Consent Law, it further states that any person, licensed in Virginia or not, operating a motor vehicle on a highway in the Commonwealth has consented to have samples of their breath, blood, or both to be chemically tested to determine if there is alcohol and/or drugs present. If so, they will be arrested within three hours of committing the offense.
If the driver refuses to have their blood or breath tested, they may face penalties imposed by Virginia Law 18.2-268.3. The first time a driver refuses a BAC test, it’s considered a civil offense and punishable by a one-year suspended driver’s license. Any further violations of this law will result in harsher penalties.
If you are facing the loss of your license due to a Refusal charge in Prince William County, contact the DUI Defense Team at the Manassas Law Group today at (703) 361-8246 for your free consultation.
Can I Be Arrested for a DUI if I Wasn’t Driving?
You can still be arrested for a DUI in Virginia if your vehicle is not in motion. If there is a possibility that a person could drive the car, they can face a drunk driving arrest. For example, if a driver is sitting in a parked car and the key is in the ignition, they are considered in control of the vehicle and can face DUI charges.
Drivers who choose to sleep off a night of drinking in their car should know where their keys are and where they decide to fall asleep. If you’re found asleep in your car, your chances of avoiding a DUI arrest are greater if your keys are not in the ignition and are far away from you, like in the glove box, and you’re asleep in the backseat. Police officers also check the warmth of the vehicle to determine if it was recently driven.
If you think your chances of being arrested under this Virginia law are slim, think again. In 2015, Hansell Lopez received a DUI conviction even though he was asleep in his car in a parking lot. The Courts decided that since he had fallen asleep with the vehicle’s keyfob in his hand, he was in “acute physical control” of the car.
If you or a loved on is facing a DUI charge in Prince William County, even though you weren’t actually driving, call the DUI Defense Lawyers at the Manassas Law Group today so we can discuss the details of your case and go over possible defense strategies.

Virginia DUI Penalties
A DUI charge that results in a conviction can have serious consequences, even if it’s your first offense. In Prince William County, the legal system harshly prosecutes those arrested for DUI charges since not only are they putting themselves at risk, but they risk the lives of countless others. Those with prior DUI convictions will face harsher penalties.
First Offense DUI
A person’s first DUI offense can result in having their driver’s license suspended for one year and a mandatory fine of at least $250.
Second Offense DUI
An offender’s second DUI offense may result in the driver losing their license for three years and being required to pay at least $500 in fines. If the second DUI offense occurred within ten years of the first, the driver could be sentenced to a minimum of ten days in jail or even up to one year. If the second offense occurred within five years of the first, the offender could receive a minimum 20-day jail sentence.
Third Offense DUI
An offender arrested on a third DUI charge will have their driver’s license indefinitely suspended, be required to pay $1,000 in fines, and have a Class 6 felony on their record. If the DUI is the third offense in ten years, the driver will be forced to forfeit their vehicle if they’re the sole owner. They will also be required to spend at least 90 days in jail. If the DUI charge is the third DUI in five years, the offender will be sentenced to a minimum of six months in prison.
Fourth Offense DUI
A fourth DUI conviction will result in a mandatory jail sentence of at least one year.
All DUIs come with harsh penalties. Contact the Manassas Law Group today for your free consultation so we can discuss strategies to help you avoid these harsh sanctions.

What To Do If You’ve Been Pulled Over for Drunk Driving
Your actions immediately following a traffic stop for a suspected DUI can greatly affect the prosecution’s case against you. It’s critical that you follow the suggestions listed below to increase your chances of having a better defense against your DUI charges. Offenders who argue with law enforcement or act belligerently can hurt their case before it’s even begun.
- Safely pull over: When you’re being pulled over, law enforcement already suspects you of driving under the influence or violating a traffic law. Once you see the police lights behind you, put your turning signal on and pull over to a safe location as soon as possible.
- Stay calm: Keep your hands on the steering wheel and refrain from making any sudden movements. Wait until you receive instructions from the officer before you do anything.
- Be courteous and polite: Avoid being confrontational or uncooperative with law enforcement. Acting this way could result in additional criminal charges of unfavorable treatment when it comes time to go to court. Being polite and courteous can help you earn some good will early on in the process.
- Field Sobriety Tests:: In Virginia, FIeld Sobriety Tests are considered voluntary. That means that you have no legal obligation to perform them. Poor performance on these tests will likely lead to a DUI arrest.
- Preliminary Breath Test (PBT): Under Virginia DUI law, police officers are legally required to offer you a PBT, but you are not legally required to take it,
- If you’re arrested, take the chemical test: Once arrested, Virginia DUI law requires you to take a breath or blood test at the police station or hospital. Per the Implied Consent Law mentioned above, you could face additional charges if you refuse the chemical test following an arrest.
- Pay attention: If possible, take notes of everything that happened, starting from when you were pulled over and throughout the arrest. These notes could help your DUI defense attorneys down the road.
- Contact the Manassas Law Group: Following your arrest, it’s crucial that you contact an experienced Prince William County DUI lawyer. The DUI attorneys at the Manassas Law Group will evaluate your case to create the strongest defense strategy that will produce the most favorable results.
Why You Need a Prince William DUI Lawyer
A DUI arrest in Prince William County is a serious criminal charge. If convicted, you risk paying hefty fines, serving jail time, and having your driver’s license suspended. In addition to fines, jail time, and a license suspension, there are other consequences of having a DUI conviction on your criminal record. For instance, individuals who have a DUI conviction on their record could have difficulty finding a job, buying a home, and being approved for a loan, among other things.
As soon as you’re able, it’s critical that you obtain experienced legal representation for your DUI charges. When you contact a Prince William County DUI lawyer from the Manassas Law Group, you can trust that you’re receiving the highest level of legal representation in Northern Virginia. Our law firm has represented countless clients against DUI charges and other criminal offenses with a proven track record of success. We understand the serious impact a DUI charge can have on your life and will work diligently to have your DUI charge, reduced, amended, or dismissed.
Potential DUI Defenses
Your Prince William County DUI lawyer from the Manassas Law Group will evaluate your case in order to determine the best defense strategy against your DUI charges. Our DUI lawyers have used some of the following defenses when helping clients avoid DUI convictions:
- Lack of probable cause: The officer must have probable cause to support the arrest before arresting you for a DUI. If the police officer observes slurred words or smells alcohol on your breath, this provides them with probable cause. However, without observing these actions, the officer does not have probable cause to justify the arrest. Any evidence collected following the DUI arrest is insufficient to justify the arrest without probable cause.
- Unreasonable traffic stop: In addition to probable cause, the police officer must have reason to have pulled you over in the first place. If they witnessed you swerving or speeding, they have reasonable suspicion to pull you over. However, the evidence they collected could be dismissed if no actions warranted a traffic stop.
- Unreliable field sobriety test: To properly conduct a field sobriety test, police must follow specific guidelines while administering the test. If your DUI attorney can find evidence that your field sobriety test was improperly conducted, they could move to have the results dismissed.
- Inaccurate breath or blood test: Blood tests and breathalyzers are not always accurate and leave room for errors. For example, your arresting officer may not have conducted the test correctly, or the breathalyzer could have been miscalibrated.
- Your rights were violated: Following an arrest, your constitutional rights should always be obeyed. For example, if you were unlawfully searched or were not read your Miranda Rights, your DUI lawyer could move to have your charges dismissed.

Facing DUI Charges in Prince William County? A DUI Attorney From The Manassas Law Group Can Help
The DUI lawyers at the Manassas Law Group understand how much is on the line when facing a possible DUI conviction. That’s why we always investigate the charges in-house to determine if the prosecution actually has a case against you. If your DUI arrest makes it to court, you can trust that your Prince William DUI attorney will fight for your rights and ensure you receive the best outcome possible. Our comprehensive DUI Defense services in Prince William County include:
- Thorough Case Evaluation: We begin each case with a detailed review of each case, including the circumstances of the traffic stop, field sobriety tests, and arrest leading to your DUI charge. Understanding the details of your traffic stop, investigation, and arrest are crucial to preparing the best defense to your DUI charge.
- Strategic Defense Planning: We use our deep understanding of the facts, circumstances, and details of the case, which we take from both your input and the discovery provided by the prosecution, and craft a robust defense strategy tailored to your individual case. Whether that defense involves challenging the initial traffic stop, discrediting the field sobriety tests, challenging the arrest, or questioning the BAC results, we will leave no stone unturned in preparing your best defense tailored to your individual case.
- Sharp, Effective Negotiation: Our attorneys will use your strategic defense and other mitigating factors to negotiate a favorable plea bargain with the prosecutor to resolve your case.
- Effective, Award-Winning Trial Lawyers: In the event your case goes to trial, our attorneys will be prepared to defend your rights and interests in front of a judge or jury. Our team of attorneys includes experienced, award-winning attorneys who will effectively present your case to the judge or jury.
Why Choose the DUI Defense Lawyers at the Manassas Law Group?
If you or a loved one is facing a DUI charge in Prince William County, why choose MLG? The answer is simple:
- Local and National Recognition: Our DUI Defense Lawyers include attorneys who have been selected for numerous awards on the local and national levels. Nationally, our attorneys have been selected for awards such as Avvo’s Top Attorney award, Avvo’s Client Choice Award, Martindale-Hubbel’s Client Champion Award, and SuperLawyers Rising Star: DUI Defense Award.
- Experience: The Manassas Law Group has been a fixture in Prince William County for over 50 years. Our current team of DUI Defense Lawyers has over 40 years of collective experience to put to work for your DUI case.
- Track Record of Success: Success at the Manassas Law Group is not a one-time achievement. It is a track record of securing positive outcomes for our clients facing DUI charges. In order to maintain our track record of success, our attorneys participate in ongoing education targeted at DUI defense to stay on the cutting edge of the legal and scientific issues so that we may provide our clients with the best defense for their individual case.
- Client Satisfaction: Check out our over 150 Google reviews and 30+ Avvo reviews. The DUI Defense Attorneys at the Manassas Law Group strive to provide a 5-star experience and 5-star results for each client.
In addition to Prince William County, the DUI Defense Lawyers at the Manassas Law Group also represent clients in the City of Manassas, the City of Manassas Park, the Town of Dumfries, the Town of Haymarket, the Town of Occoquan, Fairfax County, Fauquier County, Stafford County, Loudoun County, and other areas throughout Northern Virginia, Virginia’s Piedmont region, and the Shenandoah Valley. To schedule a free consultation with one of our experienced DUI Defense Attorneys, call the Manassas Law Group today at (703) 361-8246 or complete our online intake form today.

Contact Us
The state has every incentive to prosecute DUI charges aggressively and seek a conviction. Hiring our lawyers will give you an experienced legal team to fight on your behalf. Call our Manassas office at 703-361-8246 for a free case evaluation. Call 703-361-8246