Child Support

Manassas Child Support Lawyers

Separating Parents who have children are faced with the issue of child support. The issue can be both complicated and emotional. An experienced Manassas family law attorney can be helpful in assisting in the resolution of the issue, whether it be negotiated or heard by the Court.

Attorneys at The Manassas Law Group have substantial experience in defending the interests of clients who must navigate this difficult process. Our experienced attorney, Richard H. Boatwright, combines extensive knowledge of family law and the ability to take a flexible approach to resolve our client’s cases successfully.

Manassas Child Support Lawyers

Child Support in Virginia

The Commonwealth of Virginia’s legislature has adopted a formula known as the “child support guidelines” to determine the amount of child support that one parent will be required to pay the other.

These guidelines take into account: the incomes of each parent, the number of days each parent has with the children, the cost of medical insurance coverage for the children and who provides it, the cost of work-related child care among other factors. Having an experienced and capable attorney can be critical in assuring that the correct financial information will be utilized in utilizing the guidelines. Our Manassas child support attorneys will make sure that the presiding judge has a complete picture of your and your spouse’s finances – so that the court’s final child support determination is accurate and fair.

Why Choose Manassas Law Group for Your Child Support Case?

At The Manassas Law Group, our attorneys are well-versed in Virginia’s child support laws and are skilled in navigating the complexities of family law. We believe every family’s situation is unique. That’s why we provide tailored solutions to meet your specific needs and circumstances.

Our team approaches each case with sensitivity and understanding. We’re here to support you and your child emotionally and legally. With years of experience in family law, our lawyers have successfully represented numerous clients in Manassas and the surrounding areas.

How We Can Help

  • Calculating Child Support: We’ll help you understand how child support is calculated in Virginia and ensure a fair assessment based on income, custody, and other key factors.
  • Modifications and Enforcement: Life changes, and so might your child support needs. Whether it’s seeking modifications due to changes in financial circumstances or enforcing existing orders, we’re here to help.
  • Navigating Custody and Visitation: Child support often intertwines with child custody and visitation rights. Our team will work tirelessly to protect your parental rights while focusing on the best interests of your child.

Get the Support Your Child Deserves with Manassas Law Group

At Manassas Law Group, we understand that dealing with child support matters can be emotionally taxing and complex. That’s why our dedicated Manassas family law team is committed to guiding you through every step of the process, ensuring that your child’s needs are met and your rights are protected.

Your child’s well-being is too important to leave to chance. Contact Manassas Law Group by calling us at 703-361-8246 or reach out online for a consultation. Let us help you secure the financial support your child deserves.